
PBA 6.0 is shipped prepared for monitoring using Zabbix monitoring software . Enabling Zabbix agent included in PBA 6.0 helps with logging, monitoring, capacity planning, availability and performance measurement, and providing the latest information about PBA application node to admins. The list of monitored triggers see in the end. This article describes how to enable and configure Zabbix agent and connect it to Zabbix server. It is assumed that Zabbix Server is already installed by Provider and is accessible from the PBA application node.


  • PBA build 6.0.0-423 or higher is installed.
  • BA only supports Zabbix version less than 2.0
  • Zabbix agent service is running
  • Zabbix server or Zabbix proxy is accessible from PBA application node:

    [root@BillingServer ~]# telnet <zabbix_ip> 10051
    Connected to
    Escape character is '^]'.
    Connection closed by foreign host.


Configure Zabbix agent:

It is possible to allow active Zabbix agent auto-registration, after which the server can start monitoring them. This way new hosts can be added for monitoring without configuring them manually on the server. Read more


  1. At PBA application node, install zabbix-agent, zabbix-sender and CPAN libraries 'JSON' and 'Crypt::SSLeay' if they are not installed:

    yum install zabbix-agent
    yum install zabbix-sender
    yum install perl-JSON
    yum install perl-Crypt-SSLeay
  2. Import the template to Zabbix. In the browser, go to http://<zabix_server_url>/templates.php, then click "Import" and import the template located at <PBA_application_node>/usr/local/bm/tools/watchdog/watchdog_zabbix_template.xml. Note that you may need to de-import the old template if it was previously imported.

  3. Assign this template to the new host registered in Zabbix server.

  4. In case you did not conigure auto registration host in the Zabbix server you can register billing server manually. Run the command on a PBA application node:

    /usr/local/bm/tools/watchdog/ register http://<zabix_server_url> <zabbix_login> <zabbix_password>


  1. Download and install zabbix-agent on PBA installation: 
  2. Update environment variable %path% with the path to zabbix-agent
  3.  In the browser, go to http://<zabix_server_url>/templates.php, then click "Import" and import the template located at <PBA_application_node> "C:\Program Files\Parallels\PBA\tools\watchdog\watchdog_zabbix_template.xml" Note that you may need to de-import the old template if it was previously imported.
  4. At PBA application node, launch: C:\Program Files\Parallels\PBA\tools\watchdog\ register http://<zabix_server_url> <zabbix_login> <zabbix_password>

To check that you have successfully connected your PBA installation to Zabbix server, do the following:

  1. In the web interface of Zabbix server, open Monitoring > Latest Data.
  2. In the filter settings select the PBA host you have registered.
  3. Observe the latest data received.

The list of triggers in the template (only with Urgent severity):

Template PBA 6.0 Linux64

    Urgent  PBA Container xmlrpcd_auth.2: no process info data more than 5min
    Urgent  PBA Container xmlrpcd: no process info data more than 5min
    Urgent  PBA Container xmlrpcd_auth: no process info data more than 5min
    Urgent  PBA Container xmlrpcd.1: no process info data more than 5min
    Urgent  PBA Container xmlrpcd.2: no process info data more than 5min
    Urgent  PBA Container xmlrpcd_auth.1: no process info data more than 5min
    Urgent  PBA Container www: no process info data more than 5min
    Urgent  PBA Container watchdog_zabbix: no process info data more than 5min
    Urgent  PBA Container generic_worker: no process info data more than 5min
    Urgent  PBA Container atm: no process info data more than 5min
    Urgent  PBA Container ssm.1: no process info data more than 5min
    Urgent  PBA Container logsrv: no process info data more than 5min
    Urgent  PBA Container ssm: no process info data more than 5min
    Urgent  PBA Container xmlrpcd.7: no process info data more than 5min
    Urgent  PBA Container xmlrpcd_auth.7: no process info data more than 5min
    Urgent  PBA Container xmlrpcd.8: no process info data more than 5min
    Urgent  PBA Container xmlrpcd.9: no process info data more than 5min
    Urgent  PBA Container xmlrpcd_auth.9: no process info data more than 5min
    Urgent  PBA Container xmlrpcd.3: no process info data more than 5min
    Urgent  PBA Container xmlrpcd_auth.8: no process info data more than 5min
    Urgent  PBA Container xmlrpcd_auth.3: no process info data more than 5min
    Urgent  PBA Container xmlrpcd.4: no process info data more than 5min
    Urgent  PBA Container xmlrpcd_auth.6: no process info data more than 5min
    Urgent  PBA Container xmlrpcd_auth.4: no process info data more than 5min
    Urgent  PBA Container xmlrpcd.5: no process info data more than 5min
    Urgent  PBA Container xmlrpcd.6: no process info data more than 5min
    Urgent  PBA Container xmlrpcd_auth.5: no process info data more than 5min

Template PBA 6.0 hosts

    Urgent  PBA workers total count 
    Urgent  PBA Store availability  
    Urgent  PBA NO RPC Ping check more than 5min    
    Urgent  PBA Control Panel availability  
    Urgent  PBA www static content availability
    Urgent  SEGFAULT on PBA service
    Urgent  Base BM service ('www', 'BM') was not-gracefully terminated
    Urgent  PBA NO static availability check more than 5min 
    Urgent  PBA NO Server Status data more than 5min    
    Urgent  PBA RPC Ping failed - LICENSE
    Urgent  PBA RPC Ping failed - BLOBDOC
    Urgent  PBA RPC Ping failed - CRYPTSKEY
    Urgent  PBA RPC Ping failed - AHRC
    Urgent  PBA RPC Ping failed - PSS
    Urgent  PBA RPC Ping failed - TASKMAN
    Urgent  PBA RPC Ping failed - REPORTER
    Urgent  PBA RPC Ping failed - BM
    Urgent  PBA RPC Ping failed - AMAIL
    High    PBA service was not-gracefully terminated

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