
Domain registration order is failed. In Service Status History of corresponding subscription dns precheck failed error can be seen:

82193   Domain registration failed. Domain registration submitted to OpenSRS but there is a problem. (420) Command failed text Command failed [dns precheck failed!] Domain status:Preparada<1 time(s) called.>

For other registrars an error can be different, but the main scenario is the same:

  • customer places an order on new domain registration;
  • PBA starts provisioning an order, sends requests to POA to add domain request and receives a list of nameservers to register a domain with;
  • PBA sends a request to registrar which is rejected because domain zone was not yet activated on POA-managed DNS servers when registrar started to check them.


PBA does not wait for "Update named.." tasks completion on POA side (for an event 'DNSZoneCreated' received from POA). Issue is reported as a bug with id #PBA-35449.


To apply a workaround, please, contact Parallels Technical Support.

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