
Resource types (remnants of no longer existing subscriptions) cannot be deleted from the panel, producing the following error:

Resource type #xxxxxxx has non zero usage and can not be removed


Some subscription uses resource that you try to delete. Upon deleting a resource from the panel, resource usage is being checked. You can see the following actions being logged to the /var/log/poa.debug.log upon deleting a resource type:

STMT [Con: 14146, 0x955c508 txn:5720] ' SELECT  parent_id, system FROM resource_types WHERE rt_id =  ? FOR UPDATE'($0 = xxxxxxxx)
STMT [Con: 14146, 0x955c508 txn:5720] ' SELECT  curr_usage FROM subs_resources WHERE rt_id =  ?  AND curr_usage > 0 AND sub_id = 1'($0 = xxxxxxxxx)
[txn:5720 ResourceType_impl::removeResourceType] {module_id="ResourceManagement"; code="520"} Resource type #xxxxxxx has non zero usage and can not be removed.

Thus, "plesk" database contains "curr_usage" values that are greater than '0'.


1) Prior to performing the below mentioned steps, please create a backup of the current 'plesk' database:

#pg_dump plesk > plesk_db_backup

2) Check subsciptions that use mentioned resource with the query - replace name with the actual restype_name you want to remove:

    psql -Uplesk -h `hostname` plesk

    plesk=> select * from subs_resources where rt_id in ( select rt_id from resource_types where restype_name like '%name%' or restype_name like '%name%');
    -[ RECORD 1 ]--+------------------------------
    rt_instance_id | 608
    sub_id         | 19
    sub_limit      | -1
    curr_usage     | 2
    own_usage      | 2
    rt_id          | 1000093
    last_update    | 2014-03-13 14:32:30.891859+07
    path           | x21x43x608

You will get list of subscriptions that use this resource as above. Check resource usage for subscriptions in PPA->Subscriptions->Subscription id (from previous query)->Resources.

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