
A domain renewal order is in the status "Service not in Sync".

The following error can be seen in the corresponding subscription Service Status History:

Domain synchronization checked. Domain is out of sync. Actual domain expiration date is XX-YYY-ZZZZ

The following errors appear in DOMAINGATE.log (BA < 6.0) or scheduler.log:

[13-08-24 12:28:46.980 Worker2.128 TH06104 NTE] Exp date from Subscr:1377619200; Exp date from registrar:1377662400
[13-08-24 12:28:46.981 EventLib    TH06104 TRC]   +++[2] static int TaskMan::PostEvent(const Str&, const Str&, int)(Service Synchronization Completed, OrderItemID=XXXXXX; IssuedSuccessfully=0; DomainOperation=20; Message=Service of Subscription #XXXXXXX is out of sync. , 0)


[13-10-17 09:19:39.142 RO_3:3      TH19874 TRC]     ...[4] *** INTERRUPTED BY EXCEPTION *** const Address& RemoteObject::trytoconnect()
[13-10-17 09:19:39.142 Container   TH19874 DBG] RO_3:3 object <27:3:3> unregistered.
[13-10-17 09:19:39.142 Worker1.3   TH19874 ERR] Catch EXCEPTION (...)
[13-10-17 09:19:39.142 Worker1.3   TH19874 TRC]    ...[3] *** INTERRUPTED BY EXCEPTION *** virtual Str bDomainPlugin::call(Int, Str, Str)
[13-10-17 09:19:39.142 Worker1.3   TH19874 TRC]   ...[2] *** INTERRUPTED BY EXCEPTION *** virtual DTOutGetDomainDetails bDomainPlugin::getDomainDetails(Int)
[13-10-17 09:19:39.143 Worker1.3   TH19874 NTE] Exp date from Subscr:1383737599; Exp date from registrar:0


During domain renewal, Business Automation synchronizes the service with the Registrar and compares the expiration date saved on the BA side to the one on the Registrar side. If for some reason the expiration date on Registrar is different, service synchronization fails, and the renewal order will stay in status "Service not in Sync".


1) If many domains are affected and in scheduler.log you see "Exp date from registrar:0" (which means that BA did not receive the expiration date from the Registrar), you should check the connection with the Registrar and the functionality of the domain containers involved.

2) If many domains are affected, but in scheduler.log you see some expiration date received from the Registrar like "Exp date from registrar:1377662400", check the time on the BA Application server. Refer to the article "Incorrect timezone is used by BA".

3) If only one or a few domains are affected, a renewal order can be approved manually by clicking the "Confirm Service Renewal Button" button. To prevent this issue from happening again, you can enable the "Synchronization of domain expiration dates" feature implemented in BA 5.4.15.

That will enable a periodic task to compare and synchronize the domain expiration dates in BA and on the registrar's side.

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