
Domain is shown in PBA as being "Active" and "Running", but in POA the domain is in "Disabled" status.

Following error can be found in the poa.debug.log:

'[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Transaction (Process ID 60) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.' while ' UPDATE dns_resource_records SET serial = (SELECT dz.serial FROM domains d JOIN dns_zones dz ON dz.zone_id = d.zone_id WHERE d.domain_id = dns_resource_records.domain_id) WHERE serial = -1'


POA was not able to change the status of domain due to deadlock, which is caused by POA-64120


Please upgrade the environment to POA 5.5, or contact your account manager for a hotfix.

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