
After upgrade to PBA 5.5.x (from 5.4) the button "Continue" is missing when purchasing a domain and choosing an option "No, I don't need shared hosting/other services":

As a result the customer is not able to purchase only domain, without additional services.


The layout template hosting.tpl was changed in PBA 5.5, id="category_list" is added which is checked on choosing an option for additional services. The layout template was not updated on upgrade because it is present in the list of customized layout templates.


Add the parameter:

  1. Make sure a correct store is chosen for editing, if not - choose a correct one by clicking "Switch Store", then "Select for editing" buttons in Home > Products > Online Store
  2. Modify the layout template:

    Home > Products > Online Store> Layout Template hosting

    the element div shall have the id="category_list":

    <div class="fieldsArea" id="category_list">
    {foreach name=category key=keycategory item=category from=$config->categories}
  3. Synchronize the store:

    Home > Products > Online Store

    "Synchronize Now" button

Exceute the same steps for other stores if required.

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