
Task for public folder creation fails with this output:

Provisioning request failed. Error in 'SW Managed Exchange.CreateFolder'.
Exception calling "Execute" with "3" argument(s): "Cannot bind parameter 'AccessRights' to the target. Exception setting "AccessRights": "You can't configure a public folder with both specific permissions and pre-canned role access rights."

Error position:
At C:\Program Files\Parallels\Windows Provisioning Engine\Providers\Common\ProviderUtils\ProviderUtils.psm1:53 char:26
+ [void]$Context.Execute <<<< ($Provider, $Method, $exec_data)

Type: Parallels.Wpe.PowerShell.PowerShellException.


Permissions for public folders are manually changed from standard defaults for Microsoft Exchange public folder. Use a query similar to the following to review them:

[PS] >Get-PublicFolderClientPermission -Identity "<FOLDER_PATH>"


Public Folders managed by POA can use only pre-defined Permission Level (Owner, Publishing Editor, Editor, Author, Non-Editing Author, Reviewer, Contributor).

To resolve the issue please follow these steps:

  1. Find out the public folder path from the POA database ('folder_id' could be found in failed task):

    plesk=> select full_path from exch_public_folders where folder_id=xxx ;\x\y\z
  2. Check permissions for it on any Exchange Client Access Server ('Identity' is full_path from above mentioned query) :

    C:\Documents and Settings\pem_admin>Get-PublicFolderClientPermission -Identity "<FOLDER_PATH>"
  3. Revert the permissions to the standard ones.

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