
Payments via Assist processing center are not accepted on one of the accounts. On redirecting to the external system, the following message is returned by Assist:

Error in header!!!
This link was send to administrors!

Вы послали некорректный запрос "<some payment request>"
с адреса <Provider's IP address>
Ваши действия запротоколированы и отправлены администраторам!
Дальнейшие повторные действия будут рассматриваться как деструктивные и повлекут за собой автоматическую блокировку Вашего IP адреса!!!

Запрещены запросы, содержащие:
.. - Don't allow directory traversals
./ - Don't allow trailing dot on a directory name
\ - Don't allow backslashes in URL

: - Don't allow alternate stream access
% - Don't allow escaping after normalization
& - Don't allow multiple CGI processes to run on a single request


Wrong information was sent via redirect URL to Assist, one of the symbols described in the error message is present in the request.


  1. Correct the account information in PBA. For example, make sure the address was not set to ..., the last, first or middle names, other information does not have any of the symbols.
  2. Try to pay again (after saving the corrected information).

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