
The Provider developed source code of a payment plug-in and needs to build the plug-in in PBA 5.5 using SDK.

The Provider cannot find any documentation on how to build payment plug-in for PBA 5.5.


Currently there is no separate guide available for payment plug-in SDK in PBA 5.5. There is the request PBA-43756 to add it in the future updates to the product.

You can use instructions in the domain plug-in SDK guide to build payment plug-in.

The difference is that you need to use the /usr/local/bm/share/EcommerceSDK folder instead of the /usr/local/bm/share/DomainPluginTemplate.

You should execute the following command (replace <plugin_name> with the actual name of the plug-in:

PROJECT_NAME=<plugin_name> PROCESSING_CENTER_NAME=<plugin_name> sh

and copy the plug-in code files to the /root/EcommercePlugin/<Plugin_name> folder.

All the rest actions are the same as for building a domain plug-in.

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