
The Provider created the Service Plans Plan1 and Plan2 in PBA based on a PEMGATE-based Service Template and added resource rates for resources based on DUMMYGATE in the Service Plan Plan2 only.

A customer placed an upgrade order to switch a subscription from the current Service Plan Plan1 (without dummy resources) to Plan2 (with dummy resources). The order was processed automatically, omitting the Manual Operation Required status, and dummy resources were added to the subscription automatically.

Why was the order on the plan switch processed automatically?


Resources based on DUMMYGATE require manual processing in the following cases:

  1. When creating a new subscription for a Service Plan based on the PEMGATE-based Service Template with included dummy resources.

  2. When processing an order for a Service Plan based on the DUMMYGATE-based Service Template.

If the Service Template is based on PEMGATE, dummy resources will be processed automatically during the Service Plan switch.


The behavior described above will be changed in future versions of PBA in the scope of the request PBA-52550.

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