
Low balance warning is randomly shown in the PA Customer Control Panel for a customer account with zero balance:

Please be aware that your current balance amount is less than a minimum recommended amount of 0.0 USD. Your services may be stopped. Please top up your account balance.

Steps to reproduce :

  1. Login to the Customer Control Panel under the customer account whose balance is 0.0
  2. Go to the 'Account' tab
  3. Go back to the 'Home' tab
  4. After repeating steps 2 & 3 several times the warning above is shown on the 'Home' tab


The problem was already reported as request POA-81517.


The problem is going to be fixed in one of the nearest updates to the POA 5.5.

In the mean time Provider may change the warning message in the POA localization to something appropriate, follow the steps below to do this:

  1. Log into the POA Provider Control Panel
  2. Go to System > Settings > Locales > click on the required locle
  3. Switch to the 'Customized Locale Files' tab
  4. Add the '0BalanceEN.xml' file with the the following content:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <locale code="en_US">
    <phrase>Welcome to Provider</phrase>

Replace the 'Welcome to Provider' phrase with the desired content.

The solution above overwrites the misleading warning message in the Customer Control Panel.

Internal content