
Create Offline Address Book task fails with:

Task name   Create Offline Address Book for domain service
Last execution output   Exception during execution of MPF request: 'Unknown error 0x80131600 [<response><errorContext description="The server &quot;EXVB02&quot; does not have the Mailbox server role installed. Only servers that have the Mailbox server role installed can be assigned to generate offline address book files.
Name='S000280879 OAL'" code="0x80131600" executeSeqNo="21"><errorSource namespace="Error Provider" procedure="SetError"/><errorSource namespace="Managed Active Directory" procedure="RethrowError_"/><errorSource namespace="SW Managed Exchange" procedure="CreateOfflineAddressList"/></errorContext></response>]'.


POA tries to create Offline Address Book for Exchange 2003 organization using the procedure for Exchange 2007:

  • conception of "Mailbox server role" is used since Exchange 2007;
  • cmdlets (such as New-OfflineAddressBook) are used since Exchange 2007

Most likely the Exchange 2003 server is configured to work with wrong MPS which is for Exchange 2007.


Check what MPS is used by Exchange 2003 server under the following registry keys:



Change if it is wrong. Correct MPS can be obtained from another working Exchange 2003 server. Create a key backup before applying any changes in registry; right click on folder that contains the key and click Export

POA Agent restart is required on the Exchange server to apply the changes in the registry:

net stop pem
net start pem

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