
Provisioning of Basekit Web Builder application is failing with the error in PBA-E:

Service Creation Failed: Parallels Operations Automation error # == Error while calling pem.activateSubscription ==
error_code = 0
error_message = Instance of application with id 561 and version '1.1-5' can not be provided: Invalid value passed for setting 'Subdomain prefix': Domain Name is necesary..
Subscription #XXX does not exist..


Application settings related issue, in APP-META.xml it can be observed that the default value for Subdomain prefix setting is not set:

<setting type="string" id="domain_name" regex="[A-Za-z0-9\.-]*" installation-only="true" default-value=" ">
    <description>Subdomain prefix</description>


Set default value for Subdomain prefix manually in resource of class Application for Basekit Web Builder application in Service Director > Provisioning Manager > Resource Types

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