
An attempt to delete a resource rate from PBA Service Plan fails with the following error message:

PBA for Windows:

ODBC error #23000: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "TermConditionForPlanRate_PlanRateID". The conflict occurred in database "pba", table "dbo.TermConditionForPlanRate", column 'PlanRateID'.ODBC error #01000: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The statement has been terminated.ODBC error #01000: 

PBA for Linux:

ODBC error #23503: ERROR: update or delete on table "PlanRate" violates foreign key constraint "TermConditionForPlanRate_P_073" on table "TermConditionForPlanRate" Key (PlanRateID)=(X) is still referenced from table "TermConditionForPlanRate".; Error while executing the query


Resource rate you are trying to delete is being used in one or more 'Terms and Conditions' defined in PBA.


Remove resource rate from 'Terms and Condition' that have it attached:

  1. Log into PBA Provider Control Panel
  2. Go to Configuration Director > Sales & Financial Settings > Terms and Conditions
  3. Select the needed Terms and Conditions
  4. Switch to the 'Resource Rates' tab
  5. Select and delete the resource rate you need to delete from Service Plan

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