
During POA 5.5 pre-upgrade check one of the failed items is:

Precheck failed when checking identities duplicates.
Duplicated identities:
You should: Rename identities login according auth_logins table or remove not existing identities


Due to inconsistency in database, in table identities there are two items with the same login field:

plesk=> select * from identities where login like '%<E-MAIL>%';
 identity_id | system_id |       login
       37152 |           | <E-MAIL>
      123108 |           | <E-MAIL>
(2 rows)
plesk=> select * from auth_logins where login  like '%<E-MAIL>%';
 identity_id |       login
      123108 | <E-MAIL>
(1 row)


Remove the extra item(#37152 in this case) from table identities, and re-run the pre-upgrade check

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