
Provider wants to find history of failed logins of users registered in Parallels Automation system and find users locked by brute force attack protection after too many unsuccessful attempts to log into Control Panel.


Information on locked users and failed login attempts can be viewed by an account administrator for Service Users and Staff Members per account level, or by Provider's staff member system-wide.

A customer account administrator may find locked users of their account in Customer Control Panel:

  1. Open the 'Account' tab

  2. Click 'Account Settings'

  3. Click 'More Tools'

In that menu, customer administrator can choose to view login history, including failed login attempts, and locked users with possibility to unlock users before lockout timeout expires:

To find this information in Provider Control Panel, open System Director > Audit Manager.

It allows to view system-wide details on login information, viewing locked users and lockout history and possibility to unlock users locked by brute force attack protection:

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