
The Provider migrated RHEL 4/CentOS 4 PVC-based BA installation to RHEL 6/CentOS 6.

After migration new BA servers cannot access external network.


Both 'backip' and 'frontip' specified in the configuration file 'config.ini' are assigned to new Virtuozzo Container(s). However these IP addresses are located in different subnets, so appropriate route must be created so both internal and external networks to be accessible from container(s).


For each affected Virtuozzo Container, login to the node where it resides and execute the following commands:

vzctl set CT_ID --ipdel BACK_IP --save

vzctl set CT_ID --ipadd BACK_IP --save

where CT_ID stands for identifier of the affected Virtuozzo Container, and BACK_IP - for backnet IP assigned to this container during migration.

After this step, login to each affected container and add below record to the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-venet0 file (create file if it does not exist):

NETWORK/MASK dev venet0  scope link  src BACK_IP

where NETWORK and MASK - internal network and its mask, BACK_IP - IP address of affected container.

Restart network service inside of container after you modified the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-venet0 file:

# service network restart

Repeat these steps for each affected container.

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