
Provider wants to show messages from the provisioning scripts in the APS application in POA Customer Control Panel, e.g. when a customer installs new APS application in their subscription, creates service user in already installed application, etc.


Use the standard APS functionality to achieve the goal - verification scripts.

Refer to the Verification script chapter in the APS Package Format Specification for more details about the feature.

E.g. if a customer entered invalid data during APS application installation or during service user creating the verification script called in the application installation/configuration wizard in POA Customer Control Panel may provide corresponding error message or warning which will be shown in CP like in the example below:

Corresponding output of the verification script looks as follows (the error message displayed in POA Customer CP is taken from the <message> tag in the script output):

`<output xmlns="">
  <error id="23" setting-id="admin_password">
  <message>Password is required, please enter one.</message>
  <system>admin_password is empty</system>

Important note: verification script must always finish with exit code 0, otherwise POA will not show its output (STDOUT stream) in Control Panel. Instead, content of STDERR stream of the verification script will be shown like in the following example:

`Error Application configuration script reported errors: '<SCRIPT_STDERR>'
Please contact your provider.`

where <SCRIPT_STDERR> is content of STDERR stream provided by the verification script.

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