Tasks are located in:

Operations > Tasks

List of ways to search for tasks for APS instance

  • Subscription ID: all APS instances that are installed in a subscription have tasks marked with that subscription's ID
  • Queue name: aps_application_instance<ID> all tasks scheduled for individual APS instance are created in one queue.
  • Name: Following pattern is used for naming APS-related tasks:

    APS application '<APP_NAME>', id <APP_ID>, instance <APP_INSTANCE_ID> -> service '<SERVICE_NAME>', instance <SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID>: executing configuration script

A detailed example

Let us review a task:

  • Name: APS application 'Hosted BroadWorks', id 286, instance 282 -> service 'sip_device', instance 440: Finalizing operation
  • Queue name: aps_application_instance282
  • Subscription ID: 1156

In this case, "Hosted Broadworks" is the name of the APS application, 286 is the ID of the application in application manager, 282 is the ID of the instance, "sip_device" is the name of the service instance within APS instance, and 440 is the service instance ID.

Queue name value is based on the application instance ID, and subscription the one the APS is provided in.

You may search for any part of the string, replacing the irrelevant parts by asterisks. E.g.: search for *APS application*instance 282* will show all tasks for application instance 282 regardless of what the ID of application itself is, and all tasks for services of this instance.

Please see #115664 APS: General information, Best Practices and Troubleshooting for additional details

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