
A customer placed order in BA for the subscription with Office 365 service. Order provisioning fails immediately in BA with the following error message in the ordered subscription Service Status History:

Instance of application with id <ID> and version '<version>' can not be provided: Invalid value passed for setting 'subservice_limits': Do not use the Unlimited values of limits for Office 365 Resource Types in Service Templates. Such values are not supported by Microsoft Office 365. You must update limits for 'Office 365' Service Templates and existing 'Office 365' subscriptions.

As a result Office 365 application cannot be installed in the customer subscription.


Either in BA Service Plan, in OA Service Template or subscription resources the problem subscription should be based on limits for some of Office 365 offers are set to Unlimited value ('-1').

Microsoft will not accept Unlimited as a value when provisioning a new service. This is described in the Parallels Automation Office 365 Integration Provider's Guide, Offers Configuration Overview section:


Check resource limits in OA Service Template and change limits for Office 365 resources based on Application Resource class that are set to Unlimited to a more reasonable values. It would typically be 0, the exact value provisioned to Microsoft will be determined by Resource Rates in BA Service Plan.

Check Service Plan settings in BA and make sure that no Resource Rates for Office 365 offers have Unlimited value of included units.

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