• Log into the WPE server by RDP
  • Open the <WPE Installation Directory>\Web.config file in notepad, in the default installation it is the C:\Program Files\Parallels\Windows Provisioning Engine\Web.config file
  • Find the configuration/loggingConfiguration/categorySources/add element
  • Append the Verbose value to the list:

    <add switchValue="Verbose,Information,ActivityTracing" name="PA Windows Provisioning Engine">
            <add name="WPE Rolling File Trace Listener with Purger" />
  • [optional] If you need to have milliseconds in log timestamps (as only seconds are logged by default):
    • Find the configuration/loggingConfiguration/formatters/add element
    • add ".fffffff" to the format string.

The default setting:

    <add LogEntryTemplate="{severity}{tab}{timestamp(local:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)} ({processId}/{win32ThreadId}): {message}"

The updated setting:

    <add LogEntryTemplate="{severity}{tab}{timestamp(local:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.ffffff)} ({processId}/{win32ThreadId}): {message}"

Changes will be applied immediately, no need to restart any service.

Internal content