
The article describes how to enable verbose logging of requests to provision SharePoint 4 services through MPS Provisioning Engine.

1. On the SharePoint server create the file "C:\Program Files\SWsoft\PEM\MPF Provider Clients\SPSProviderClient4.dll.config" with the following content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <add key="traceFile" value="c:\temp\sps4prov.log" />
    <add key="enableTrace" value="true" />
Replace c:\temp\sps4prov.log in the file with desired name of the log.

2. Restart MPS Provisioning Engine following advices in the KB article

3. The file C:\temp\sps4prov.log will contain extended diagnostic information regarding Sharepoint services provisioning.

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