
Reseller completed initial wizard in PBA-E and selected their currency on the first step of wizard.

Later, reseller changed their mind and they want to change currency to another one.

However, when reseller goes to Top > Configuration Director > Setup Wizard (PBA-E 5.4 and earlier) or Home > System > Setup Wizard (PBA-E 5.5 and later) in PBA-E Control Panel they cannot change currency.


It is by design, PBA-E Initial Reseller Wizard does not allow to change currency. Reseller may only select currency one time, when they go through initial wizard the very first time.

Corresponding warning is shown to reseller when they go through initial wizard first time:

Warning: Currency can be selected only on this step of initial setup. It will not be possible to change the currency later.


The only way to resolve the issue is to create new reseller.

There is a feature request PBA-73488 Change reseller currency after initialization

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