
An Exchange Public Folder provisioning task fails in Operations Automation (OA) with the following error message:

There is no existing PublicFolder that matches the following Identity

See an example of the problem below:

Task name Set limits for public folder 'New Folder' (id=15)
Last execution output:
Exception during execution of MPF request: 'Unknown error 0x80131500
[<response><errorContext description="There is no existing PublicFolder that matches the following Identity: '\P000000093\New Folder'. Please make sure that you specified the correct PublicFolder Identity and that you have the necessary permissions to view PublicFolder." code="0x80131500"
executeSeqNo="3"><errorSource namespace="Exchange2007ProviderEx"
procedure="ModifyFolder"/><errorSource namespace="SW Managed Exchange"


Cause #1. The Public Folder was renamed or deleted directly in Exchange, e.g. using the Exchange Management Shell or Console.

Log into the Exchange server, run the Exchange Management Shell and check if the Public Folder from the failed task properties exists:

Get-PublicFolder -Identity "\P000000093\New Folder"

If you cannot find Public Folder '\P000000093\New Folder' this means that the Public Folder was renamed in Exchange or absent and must be created in Exchange and the OA database must be adjusted.

Cause #2. Exchange server where the Public Folder Store is located is malfunctioning. Find the ID of the problem Public Folder and get the name of the Exchange server where OA tries to create it from OA database. You can use an SQL query like this:

plesk=> SELECT primary_name, store_name FROM exch_public_folders pf JOIN exch_public_stores ps ON pf.store_id=ps.public_store_id JOIN hosts h USING(host_id) WHERE folder_id=72;
-[ RECORD 1 ]+---------------------
primary_name |
store_name   | EXVS01PF01
ds_id        | 554

Try to connect to the Exchange server using the Public Folder DAV-based Administration Tool (Exchange 2003, Exchange 2007). If the tool cannot connect to the server, this means there are problems with the Exchange server itself.


Problem #1. Imagine a Public Folder with the name 'New Folder' was renamed in Exchange to 'Old Folder'. Use the Exchange Management Shell cmd-let 'Set-PublicFolder' to rename the Public Folder in Exchange back to 'New Folder':

Set-PublicFolder -Identity "\P000000093\Old Folder" -Name "\P000000093\New Folder"

If you decide to rename the Public Folder in OA database, then the table 'exch_public_folders' has to be adjusted. The relevant fields are:

  • name
  • display_name
  • description
  • ldap_path
  • path
  • full_path
  • tree_ordering

Problem #2. In this instance, the issue is on Microsoft's side. We suggest contacting Microsoft Support to resolve the problem.

On OA side, the problem can only be worked around by changing the Exchange server where OA will create the Public Folder. This works if the brand new root Public Folder has to be created, not a sub-folder in an already existing Public Folder.

  1. Use the Public Folder DAV-based Administration Tool to find a functioning Exchange server with Public Folder store from the list in the OA Provider Control Panel at Top > Service Director > Hosted Exchange Manager > Public Folder Stores.

  2. With the ID of the working Public Folder store, reassign the Public Folder to the working store in the POA database:

    UPDATE exch_public_folders SET store_id = $STORE_ID WHERE ds_id = $DS_ID;
    UPDATE exch_domain_services SET pf_store_service_id = $SERVICE_ID WHERE ds_id = $DS_ID;


$STORE_ID - ID of the working public folder store from OA Control Panel (found on the previous step using the DAV-based Admin Tool)

$DS_ID - Domain service ID (returned by the SQL query above)

$SERVICE_ID - ID of the OA service Exchange Mailstore installed on the found server. This can be found in two places on the OA Provider Control Panel:

  • Deployment Director > Server Manager > Hardware Nodes > select Exchange server with working public folder store > Applications tab


  • System Director > Configuration Manager > Services > filter services by Exchange server name and application name Mailstore

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