
This article describes how to sort list of countries shown in PBA-E Online Store on the account registration step.


There are actually two identical lists of countries shown in the drop down-list 'Country' on the account registration step in the Online Store, the lists are divided by the element '--' and the only difference between them is sorting method which is used for each list.

The first list, which is shown above the element '--', is sorted by the parameter 'Sort No' which may be defined for every country in PBA-E Provider CP at 'Top > Configuration Director > Miscellaneous Settings > Countries'.

The second list of countries, which is shown below the element '--', is sorted in alphabetical order.

Thus, Provider may order countries shown in the Online Store using the parameter 'Sort No': the higher value of this parameter the higher place a country will have in the list. By default countries do not have any specific value of the parameter 'Sort No' assigned (it is treated as '0' value), so you may assign positive values to countries you want to put on the top of list and leave all other countries unchanged.

Please also keep in mind that it is possible to define default country which will be shown in the drop-down list 'Country' as selected on the account registration step, this country may be set in PBA-E control panel at 'Top > Product Director > Online Store Manager > General Parameters > BRANDING > COUNTRY'.

Additionally, for reseller that has its own online store, it is necessary to synchronize the online store in order to apply the changes.

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