
A vendor cannot remove an existing brand in Operations Automation (OA).

When using OA Provider/Reseller Control Panel > Settings > Branding > Brands > the check box to the left of the brand and clicking the Delete button, the following error message is displayed:

Branding from 0 website(s) was successfully scheduled for removal. The Brand with ID #ID can not be deleted because of #ID account(s) bound to it.

The problem also may appear when removing a reseller branding subscription in Business Automation (BA). In this case, attempt to destroy a reseller's subscription fails with the following message:

Destroying service of Subscription <SUB_ID> failed: Parallels Operations Automation error #extype_id #72, module_id #BrandingManagement, Brand #ID can not be deleted because of the following account(s): #ID1 #ID2 ... bound to it.

Customer accounts mentioned in the error message belong to Reseller in question are canceled already.


OA does not allow to remove a brand if corresponding Reseller has accounts assigned to this brand.

When a customer account is canceled in BA, it is disabled in OA, not removed. As a result, customer account is still bound to vendor's brand in OA.


Since OA 6.x it is possible to transfer customer accounts between vendors - during this procedure account changes its owner and brand.

In order to correctly remove a Reseller (or brand) it is required to transfer all customer accounts mentioned to provider or another Reseller.

If you are experiencing this issue in OA 5.x, where transfer functionality is not available, please contact Odin Technical Support for applying the workaround.

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