
Attempt to install Exchange Mailstore package on node fails. Example of the error message in control panel:

Installation of package Exchange2010Mailstore 1.9 (id=5494) to host MBX40.domain.tld (id=347) was failed. Reason: Failed to process finalizeInstallUpdate for pkgId: 5494, ex message is: IDL:Plesk/ExSystem:1.0

WPE tracing tool gives more details regarding the cause:

Error -2146233088 (0x80131500)
-- Error: Call of method "SW Managed Exchange::SetupExchangeEnvironment" failed.(Parallels.Wpe.Utils.WpeProcedureException)
at Parallels.Wpe.Engine.RequestProcessor.DoProcess(CompiledRequest request)
at Parallels.Wpe.Engine.RequestProcessor.Process(CompiledRequest request)
-- Error: Active Directory returned an error processing the operation.
At C:\Program Files\Parallels\Windows Provisioning Engine\Providers\SW Managed Exchange\SetupExchangeEnvironment.ps1:77 char:33
+ $orgAdmins = Get-ADGroupMember <<<< -Identity "Organization Management" -Server $dcName | Select -ExpandProperty Name
-- Error: Active Directory returned an error processing the operation.(System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[])

pem_admin user is a member of Organization Management group in Active Directory.


Domain controllers replication is broken.

Package installation fails on domain controller replication check.

WPE Execution section shows that one of the controllers replication started, but no confirmation about the end of the replication:

[2019/09/20 08:28:15 AM Verbose] [SetupExchangeEnvironment] Wait until data replicated to DC11
[2019/09/20 08:28:15 AM Verbose] [SetupExchangeEnvironment] Data has been replicated to DC11
[2019/09/20 08:28:15 AM Verbose] [SetupExchangeEnvironment] Wait until data replicated to DC15

dcdiag command shows replication errors:

PS C:\Windows\system32> .\dcdiag.exe /s:DC13.domain.tld

Directory Server Diagnosis

Performing initial setup:
   Ldap search capability attribute search failed on server GMS1DC04.GMC.local, return value = 81
   The host DC13.domain.tld could not be resolved to an IP address. Check the DNS server, DHCP, server name, etc.


Fix the replication issues with the domain controller:

  • Check time difference between controllers;
  • Make sure that each DC with DNS points to itself as primary DNS server and to other internal DNS servers as secondary ones;
  • Make sure that each DC without DNS points to the correct internal DNS servers;
  • Restart netlogon service on each DC;
  • Make sure that client computer points to correct internal DNS servers;
  • Check DFS replication events

In some cases affected Domain controller reboot could help to solve the case.

Please contact Microsoft support if anything else helps to solve the issue.

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