
In the task manager, failed task "Finalize the move of the mailbox" could be found with the following output:

Provisioning request failed. Call of method "SW Managed Exchange::ModifyMailbox" failed.
Type: Parallels.Wpe.Utils.WpeProcedureException.

Inner exception(s):

Failed to modify mailbox 'CN=jhondoe_ti,OU=S00112345678,OU=Provider,OU=hosting,DC=prod,DC=example,DC=local'. The value of property 'ProhibitSendReceiveQuota' must be greater than or equal to that of property 'ProhibitSendQuota'. ProhibitSendReceiveQuota: '5 GB (5,368,709,120 bytes)', ProhibitSendQuota: '5.5 GB (5,905,580,032 bytes)'.'.

Activation parameter Guard space for the "Prohibit send and receive" mailbox limit (in percents) set to non-zero value.


Due to software related issue FND-2164, Exchange activation parameter Guard space for the "Prohibit send and receive" mailbox limit (in percents) is not taken into account during mailbox migration.

Information about Exchange activation parameters you can find in documentation


The issue is fixed in the 8.2 platform version. Please consider upgrade.

The following workaround can be applied:

  1. Check output of failed "Finalize the move of the mailbox" task and check its ProhibitSendReceiveQuota and ProhibitSendQuota values.

  2. Compare it with those on Exchange side via following cmdlet (run it from exchange powershell console):

    [PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-Mailbox -Identity "CN=jhondoe_ti,OU=S00112345678,OU=Provider,OU=hosting,DC=prod,DC=example,DC=local" | Format-List IssueWarningQuota,ProhibitSendQuota,ProhibitSendReceiveQuota,UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults
    IssueWarningQuota        : 4.5 GB (4,831,838,208 bytes)
    ProhibitSendQuota        : 5.5 GB (5,905,580,032 bytes)
    ProhibitSendReceiveQuota : Unlimited
    UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults : False
  3. If ProhibitSendQuota obtained via cmdlet is greater then ProhibitSendReceiveQuota obtained from task error message make it equal:

    [PS] C:\Windows\system32>Set-Mailbox -Identity "jhondoe_ti,OU=S00112345678,OU=Provider,OU=hosting,DC=prod,DC=example,DC=local" -ProhibitSendQuota 5gb
  4. Process the "Finalize the move of the mailbox" task. It will be completed successfully.
  5. Set correct limits in the Exchange:

    Set-Mailbox -Identity "CN=jhondoe_ti,OU=S00112345678,OU=Provider,OU=hosting,DC=prod,DC=example,DC=local" -ProhibitSendReceiveQuota 5.5gb
    Set-Mailbox -Identity "CN=jhondoe_ti,OU=S00112345678,OU=Provider,OU=hosting,DC=prod,DC=example,DC=local" -ProhibitSendQuota 5.5gb

To prevent this issue until the bug is fixed you can set Guard space activation parameters to zero.

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