
Office 365 order provisioning fails. The following message is registered in sitelog:

2018-08-10 14:23:34,501 [  39] DEBUG flow        : PC: Going to create the account with id '558731dc-ccfe-45e7-b31d-6c894c5c7a3c' in the Cloud.
2018-08-10 14:23:44,116 [  39] ERROR aps_endpoint: Error occurred during customer creation.
Partner Exception:
Error Category: BadInput
Service Error Payload:
Error code: 27002
Error message: NotificationEmailAddress: client1@example.u is invalid

Further attempts to resubmit the order fail with the error The domain specified during customer creation is already used by another tenant.


The contact email specified during the account creation has an incorrect top-level domain. Microsoft PC API starts provisioning of the tenant and then validates the notification email. Once the validation fails, the tenant provisioning interrupts with the above error. Further attempts to provision the tenant fail since the tenant with this domain name has been already created.


  1. Set up a correct contact email for the account in Billing
  2. Cancel the failed sales order
  3. Place a new sales order with a different subdomain

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