
Provider updated delegated service plan and changed it's name or description. Trying to propagate the changes to the Reseller's plan, provider is executing Reseller Synchronization with option:

  • Update Plan Name and Descriptions

However, under Reseller, the inherited service plan is not updated. In system Events there is an event "Reseller synchronized".


The length of the Plan description (in one or several languages) is more than 1024 symbols. In this case the same issue happens, as described in the KB: (The description (resource category or service plan) is not saved).

No exception is raised and no error is shown, but target plan is not updated.


Correct text validation will be implemented as part of the global feature request: PFR-1341 (Improve support for multiple languages).

As a workaround Provider should rework plan descriptions so for each language the length of text is not more than 1024 symbols.

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