
  1. Attempt to upload SSL certificate fails with error:

    An unforeseen error occurred. Please contact
    Error ID: 1516232603880
  2. OA log /var/log/pa/core.log contains the exception:

    Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "user_repo_uni_0"
      Detail: Key (account_id, type, name)=(2, ca_certificate, List of CA SSL certificates at IIS virtual Web Server #00001) already exists.


When replacing the SSL certificate OA, prior to removing, inserts the corresponding records to the table that already contains the records related to that webspace thus violating PostgreSQL constraints.

Corresponding software issue #POA-114480. Contact your Technical Account Manager or PTA team ( to trace the status of #POA-114480.


Disable SSL support for webpace and enable again having uploaded required certificate.

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