
Switch plan procedure results in SKU switch failure for CSP subscriptions. Provisioning "AsyncOperation" for APS application Office 365 tasks fail with the following output:

APS Application Error:
500 Internal Server Error
[ApplicationUnknownError] Subscription has multiple resources.

Body: {
"code": 500,
"message": "Subscription has multiple resources",
"additionalNonlocalizableMessage": "",
"error": "ApplicationUnknownError",
"http_request": "POST /Office365GatewayApplication01CSP/aps/asyncOperations"


There are two possible causes of the issue:

  1. A software-related issue #APSA-16026 - target service plan has more than 1 resource rate.

  2. A software related issue #APSA-19404. In case of target service plan contains zero included and additional amount in resource rates.


Based on the possible causes:

  1. Remove the unnecessary resource rates from the target service plan. Each O365 service plan should be associated with a single license.
  2. Either reconfigure the target plan to include the O365 license resources or add the resource as additional to the affected subscription in BA (however, adding resource will lead to additional payment).

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