
The Synchronize resource usage for instances of APS 1.x applications periodic task fails exactly after 8 hours with an output like:

Request has been timed out, details:
system exception, ID ''
TAO exception, minor code = 3e (timeout during recv; low 7 bits of errno: 62 Timer expired),    completed = MAYBE


The periodic task works in 4 threads, therefore, 4,5 instances are processed per second by one thread. Application script communicates with external service and collects usage from there. In case of large number of APS 1.x application resources periodic task could fail with timeout.

The APS resource usage update procedure will be optimized in scope of #APS-43858.


Odin Automation keeps track of already processed application instances, and on next task run it starts from the instances which were processed most long ago. Thereby, the task 'Synchronize resource usage for instances of APS 1.x applications' failure is not critical, it does not mean that the usage is not collected. It means only that the usage for some of the subscriptions is not collected today, and will be collected tomorrow.

It is preferable to reschedule the task to night time in order to decrease its effect on system performance.

Please contact your Technical Account Manager or Pooled Technical Associates( to get more details regarding #APS-43858.

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