
After making changes in Apache configuration via OAP Control panel, one of generated tasks "Configuring service ApacheNG" failed with the following output:

truepath fastcgi: No such file or directory (errno 2).

In core.log one could see failed attempt of file creation:

[task:100587203:...]: [ HCL::HCLProcessor::process] Processing CREATEFILE(group="${defgrp}", overwrite="yes", owner="${defuser}", path="fastcgi", perm="0644"):
[task:100587203:...]: [ OpCreateFile] {module_id="HCL"; code="1101"} truepath fastcgi: No such file or directory (errno 2).

Capturing process calls via strace utility sheds more light on the issue:

9013  send(3, "<135>Dec 15 17:54:10 : DBG [task:100587203:799842 5847:8814:b0af4b70 lib ]: [ HCL::HCLProcessor::process] Processing CREATEFILE(path=\"fastcgi\"...
9013  getcwd(0xb3748374, 4096)          = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
9013  send(3, "<135>Dec 15 17:54:10 : DBG [task:100587203:799842 5847:8814:b0af4b70 lib ]: [ OpCreateFile] {module_id=\"HCL\"; code=\"1101\"} truepath fastcgi: No such file or directory (errno 2)."

According to strace output, failure occurs inside of getcwd system call that acquires current working directory of a process. It could be checked the following way (for example, PID of pa-agent is 8814):

# ll /proc/8814/cwd
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Dec 15 18:49 /proc/8814/cwd ->  (deleted)/var/www/vhosts/108/...


Under unknown circumstances pa-agent was left in the location that was removed afterwards. Attempt to obtain path of removed directory lead to an error.


Restart of agent on the slave host is required:

# service pa-agent restart

Working directory of a new process should point to /usr/local/pem/var/cores.

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