
Task Install additional packages on node 'plesk.hostname.tld' according role SHM_WEB_NODE_LINUX

Failed to process executeInstallSequence at xpath tail INSTALL/POST/child::* for pkgId: 902, ex message is: Failed to process EXEC command for package shm_web_node_linux of type other having pkgId: 902, exception message: Invalid exitCode, HCL out: Plesk 17.5.3 is already installed. We recommend using OA Migration Manager in the "takeover" mode for attaching Plesk servers. See the migration guide for details.
, HCL err: , HCL exit code: 1 input xml: <EXEC cmd="/bin/sh" group="root" user="root">
<ARG value="-c"/>
<ARG value="[ -z &quot;${installed_plesk_version}&quot; -o &quot;${z_allow_preinstalled_plesk}&quot; = 'true' -o -e &quot;${transaction.marker}&quot; ] || ( echo 'Plesk ${installed_plesk_version} is already installed. We recommend using OA Migration Manager in the &quot;takeover&quot; mode for attaching Plesk servers. See the migration guide for details.' &amp;&amp; exit 1 )"/>


Plesk Panel was installed before service node registration. During Service node registration Plesk Panel is being installed automatically, it's not necessary to install Plesk manually.


  1. Cancel failed task.
  2. Prepare new clean server according to the Guide
  3. Register new node in Plesk according to instructions from the Guide.

Note: You can also attach existing Plesk servers to Odin Automation by using the Migration Manager's takeover migration mode. For more details please check Migration Guide.

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