
  1. AWstats node has been migrated per these instructions.
  2. After migration, web statistics is missing for some websites and is calculated for others. More precisely, all statistics for "www" website aliases is ignored.
  3. Recalculating per these instructions does not help.
  4. The version of ActivePerl package installed on the node is higher than or equal to 5.14.
  5. An attempt to launch the awstats update script with extra output gives many lines like:

    C:\>"C:\Perl64\bin\perl.exe" "C:\CustomerData\AWStats/wwwroot/cgi-bin/" -showdropped -showcorrupted -update -config=20001 
    Dropped record (virtual hostname '' does not match SiteDomain='' nor HostAliases parameters): - - [07/Sep/2017:11:32:25 +0100] "POST /xmlrpc.php HTTP/1.1" 200 403 "-" "-"


The issue is recognized as AWStats native bug when bundled with ActivePerl versions >= 5.14. Reference: SkipHosts is ignored


Open C:\CustomerData\AWStats/wwwroot/cgi-bin/ script for editing on the AWStats node.

Find and comment the line:

@HostAliases=&OptimizeArray(\@HostAliases,1);   if ($Debug) { debug("HostAliases precompiled regex list is now @HostAliases",1); }

It should turn to:

#@HostAliases=&OptimizeArray(\@HostAliases,1);  if ($Debug) { debug("HostAliases precompiled regex list is now @HostAliases",1); }

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