
DNS hosting of the domain was initially bound to the subscription #100001. Later, another subscription #1000002 was purchased and DNS hosting of the domain was switched to the subscription #1000002 as follows:

  1. Domain properties > DNS > Change DNS Hosting to External
  2. Domain properties > DNS > Change DNS Hosting to Internal, choose subscription #1000002

After that the subscription #100001 was terminated and removed. As a result, DNS hosting of the domain was removed.


Despite the DNS hosting was switched to the new subscription, this new subscription did not have corresponding APS resource created. As a result, DNS resource of the domain still had a link to the APS resource of the subscription #1000001. This can be seen in the /var/log/pa/core.log log file:

Jun  5 05:28:32.246 : DBG [rest:957044 1:30078:7ff847dfd700 SAAS 1116589225]: [ APSC] Notify resource 50d4ac27-6b9d-4842-a140-9c2b29f50fba of type 'rest/dns-zone' ( for APS application 'PACore-' about removing the link 'hosting' to resource 1f054402-87aa-44ba-88f7-5f1b904a717a of type 'rest/subscription' ( for APS application 'PACore-'

Jun  5 05:28:32.247 : INF [rest:957044 1:30078:7ff847dfd700 SAAS 1116589225]: [ HTTP] OUT  localhost:8081  Begin request: "DELETE /pa/rest/dns-zone/50d4ac27-6b9d-4842-a140-9c2b29f50fba/hosting/1f054402-87aa-44ba-88f7-5f1b904a717a"

Jun  5 05:28:32.248 : DBG [pau-rest-endpoints:14556 pa-rest-task-48:991 pau]: c.p.p.r.d.DnsZoneService Entering unlink dns zone, dns zone uuid: 50d4ac27-6b9d-4842-a140-9c2b29f50fba
Jun  5 05:28:32.267 : DBG [pau-rest-endpoints:14556 pa-rest-task-48:991 pau]: c.p.p.s.d.e.DnsZoneMutatorBean Entered removeDnsHosting for domain id: 1105


  • 50d4ac27-6b9d-4842-a140-9c2b29f50fba is an APS uuid of the DNS zone
  • 1f054402-87aa-44ba-88f7-5f1b904a717a is an APS uuid of the subscription 1000001
  • 1105 is an ID of the doamin


Delete the domain from the cotrol panel and recreate it. In order to find and fix other subscriptions affected by this issue, please contact Odin Technical Support.

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