
  1. The task "Plesk in VPS 101: register domain" fails with error: : protocol misconfiguration
  2. Log of OA (/var/log/pa/core.log or /var/log/poa.log) shows that the error is returned as a result of the following API:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
    <packet version="">
  3. Domain owner on Plesk side has the different ID (from Plesk's DB):

    mysql> select cl_id from domains where name = '';
    | cl_id |
    |     5 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)


IDs of Plesk customer in OA and Plesk are different.

OA requests from Plesk the list of domain belonging to non existent customer and receives nothing. As a result the task fails.


Contact Odin Technical Support to synchronize IDs.

Additional Info

The similar error may also be caused by desynchronization of domain's ID. See also "Plesk related task fails: protocol misconfiguration" .

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