
Billing is not available. Output of service pba restart command shows following:

[root@billing ~]# service pba restart
Checking Stellart Service Manager:                         [RUNNING]
Stopping Parallels Business Automation:                    [STOPPED]
Stopping Stellart Service Manager:                         [  OK  ]
Starting Stellart Service Manager:                         [RUNNING]
Starting Stellart Log Server:                              [FAILED]
Starting Parallels Business Automation dependencies:       [FAILED]

The following entries can be observed in logsrv.out.log:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<boost::system::system_error> >'what():  Connection refused


Logging to a rsyslog server is enabled in /usr/local/bm/etc/ssm.conf.d/global.conf, however the remote server is not responding.

According to OA Billing Deployment Guide:

If OA Billing is configured to write logs on a remote server, but it is not able to connect to the log server, or there is some other issue with writing logs there, OA Billing will not be started at all.


  1. Please either make sure that a remote rsyslog server is available or disable logging to a remote server;
  2. Restart Billing:

    service pba restart 

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