
  1. Unable to publish website in WPB. The following error thrown on publishing:

    Unable to connect to Presence Builder server. Please contact the server administrator.
  2. Error log in the parent WPB instance folder (/var/www/vhosts/4/000000/log/ssl_error_log) contains the error:

    [Thu May 11 04:21:19 2017] [error] PHP Fatal error:  Undefined class constant 'PROVIDER_OTHER' in /var/www/vhosts/4/000000/webspace/siteapps/ParallelsPresenceBuilderforPA-123/htdocs/include/SB/Widget/Search/Compiler/Publish.php on line 34

    , where 000000 is the ID of webspace where parent WPB instance is deployed.

NOTE: To find webspace ID of parent WPB instance, navigate to Applications > Parallels Presence Builder for PA > Instances.


There are obsolete files in customers website folder remained from previous version of WPB.


Rename the following folder with old content:

# cd /usr/local/pem/vhosts/111111/webspace/siteapps/ParallelsAutomationforWebPresence-1/htdocs
# mv include/SB/Widget/Search include/SB/Widget/Search_old

, where 111111 is the ID of customer's webspace the website publishes to.

Internal content