
When a customer's user is restricted to a certain subscription, the Home, Hosted Domains and Websites screens in CCP show errors like below:

Unexpected error has ocurred. Please contact admin@provider.tld.
Error ID: 1491987622484

At the same time in the UI log messages like below can be seen:

10:50:30.112 [default task-237] INFO  EJB - DomainHostingManagerRemote::getHostedDomains >>> entry
10:50:30.122 [default task-237] INFO  EJB - DomainHostingManagerRemote::getHostedDomains <<< exit [10 ms]
10:50:30.122 [default task-237] DEBUG c.p.p.c.c.p.o.ClientContextResources - domain_id = 10 domain_name = sub.domain.tld
10:50:30.122 [default task-237] DEBUG c.p.p.c.c.p.o.ClientContextResources - ClientContextResources.updateDomains done in 10 ms
10:50:30.122 [default task-237] DEBUG c.p.p2.turbine.modules.ModuleFinder - Exit: screens pcp.clientcp.DomainsMult:build by exception:java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
10:50:30.123 [default task-237] ERROR c.p.p.c.c.p.m.navigations.ObjectNav - NAVIGATION ERROR:
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: null
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: null
    at com.plesk.p2.cp.core.pcp.objects.ClientContextResources.getDomainDNSSubscription(
    at com.plesk.p2.cp.core.pcp.helpers.DomainsHelper.getDomains(
    at com.plesk.p2.cp.core.pcp.helpers.DomainsHelper.getDomains(
    at com.plesk.p2.cp.core.pcp.modules.actions.WebHostingHandler.getDomainItems(
    at com.plesk.p2.cp.core.pcp.WebHostingHomePanel.getCustomContent(
    at com.plesk.p2.cp.core.pcp.modules.screens.HomeScreen.addHomePanel(
    at com.plesk.p2.cp.core.pcp.modules.screens.HomeScreen.doBuild(

Subdomain that is listed under the "domain_name" (sub.domain.tld in the example above) does not belong to the subscription that the user is restricted to, but to some other subscription.


This issue is reported to the OA maintenance team as POA-111168: "Unforeseen error when subdomain exists for restricted-subscription-managed user.".


Please contact your Account Manager or Pooled Technical Associates team ( to trace the status of the issue.

As a workaround it is possible to remove the subscription restriction from the customer's user.

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