
"Upgrading resources of application 'Acronis Backup Cloud'" task fails with the following error:

  Internal error: APSC: Upgrade to ver. 2.0-1277 : resource 37-...-d1 of type 'globals' ( for APS application 'Acronis Backup Cloud-2.0-1277' : 
  Network error: No message received. Application endpoint: Request: POST /backupservice/globals/37-...-d1/upgrade?version=2.0-1241..


Network connections limit was exceeded.
Acronis APS endpoint did not close connections with Acronis server.


Add (or uncomment) the following code line:


to the execute($uri, $method, $requestBody, $authHeaders = NULL) function body in /var/www/html/backupservice/app/Service/BaseClient/RestTransport.php file on APS endpoint host.

This forces curl utility to close its connections.

Internal content