
Task to Configure site application fails with the following error:

Task ID 12334487
Queue name  domain_serviceXXXX
Task name   Configure site application (instance_id = YYYY) on DS ZZZZ
Task description    Configure site application (instance_id = YYYY) on DS ZZZZ
Subscription ID 1234567
Queue status    Failed
Start not earlier than  Aug-10-2016 18:04
Method name configureSiteAppsHandler on OBJREF:iis:0:getDomainService:ZZZZ
Last execution output   Destination host 'PEM01.domain.tld' (#123), IP '' : Provisioning request failed. Unknown error 0x80131501 [<response><errorContext description="Quota violation " code="0x80131501" executeSeqNo="4"><errorSource namespace="PEMUtils" procedure="RemoteExec"/></errorContext></response>]


Some processes related to the webspace users are stuck on the Windows server. For example, while re-running the failed task, one may see few processes for Windows Problem Reporting WerFault.exe generated under these website users.


In order to successfully complete the task, try killing WerFault.exe process running under webspace user. Please disable these process "WerFault.exe" from server to avoid such kind of issues in future: press Win+R, type services.msc than find Windows Error Reporting service in the services list, right-click on it -> click Properties -> open "Startup type" list and select "Disabled" -> press OK.

WerFault.exe is used for Windows Error Reporting. It is a feature that allows Microsoft to track and address errors related to the operating system, Windows features, and applications.

If the above-mentioned steps do not help, please reboot the host PEM01.domain.tld and resubmit the task after that.

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