
How to find all Apache webspaces on the installation that use the specific version of PHP?


Run the following command on management node to log in OA database. For OA 6:

# psql -Uplesk -h`hostname` plesk

For OA 7:

# psql -Uoss -h`hostname` oss

Use the following query to determine all Apache webspaces use the particular version of PHP:

plesk=> select ah.homedir_id as webspace_id, as php_version, ah.path_to_php from apache_hostlist ah inner join apache_extensions ae on ah.service_id = ae.service_id where ah.path_to_php = ae.value and ae.type like 'php%version' and like '5.%';

In order to calculate the total number of webspaces use the exact version of PHP, use this query:

plesk=> select count (*) from apache_hostlist ah inner join apache_extensions ae on ah.service_id = ae.service_id where ah.path_to_php = ae.value and ae.type like 'php%version' and like '5.%';

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