
OA update was installed and massUpdatePanelApps task fails afterwards:

Subscription: [1010101] Cloud VPS 1G 
VPS name: server-1010101-1
Plesk Panel uid: 6b4733bb-8910-427a-b526-5d2fc6632c83
Error: Cannot execute command: environment is stopped

Hint: the task output is badly formatted by default, copy it to a file on a Linux box and run:

# cat file | sed 's~\\n~\n~g'

This will transform the task output to a readable format.


The corresponding Virtual Environments that have Plesk in VPS Panel APS application installed are stopped at the moment of the task execution, so the update command cannot be executed in VE.

The same error also occurs for disabled subscriptions.


Start the mentioned Virtual Environments and re-submit the task.

Note: Special handling for disabled subscriptions will be added in scope of CCU-13141 in the future OA releases.

If the task output is left with removed or disabled subscriptions only, it is safe to cancel it, as all active instances have been upgraded.

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