
No revenue reports are sent from the specific installation. Send Revenue Report event fails with an error message:

cast to numeric type on NULL value


The root cause of the issue is empty (NULL) values for "TaxAmt_Code", "TaxAmt_Value", "TaxInclAmt_Code", "TaxInclAmt_Value" in "DocDet" table.

For Odin Automation Premuim 7.0 or earlier:

The issue is caused by #PBA-67982 "CreateManualOrder_API may set incorrect Tax Category"

For Odin Automation Premuim 7.2, if EZTax is configured for taxes calculation:

The issue is caused by #PBA-83065 "An Order Detail with NULL Taxes can be created by EZTax with leads to Revenue Report generation fail".


Contact Odin Technical Support Team to resolve an issue.

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