
Office365 Provisioning 'AsyncOperations' task fails with the following output:

Last execution output Operation pending. 
Provisioning: resource 3dc35c31-...-d7a35d421b11 of type 'asyncOperations' ( for APS application 'Office 365-16.5-64': Provisioning is being executed by the application.
Additional info: Configuring subscriptions is in progress. Waiting for the completion of the BA Order #219434.

O365 Endpoint sitelog contains the following entries:

[ 140] INFO PBA         : Open API method 'GetOrder_API' called.
[ 140] INFO aps_endpoint: Check ChangePlan order #22321817...
[ 140] INFO aps_endpoint: ChangePlan order #22321817 isn't yet completed. Waiting for the resource limits propagation.
[ 140] INFO aps_endpoint: BM order cannot be completed yet.
[ 140] INFO aps_endpoint: Subscription provisioning is in progress: BM order cannot be completed yet.


Possible reasons:

  1. Current order status is not specified as valid in the Office365 Endpoint configurations file;
  2. Limit(s) of Offer resource are not changed on the OA side.


  1. Order status case:

    • Check the corresponding order current status in Order Status History. E.g. it could be CP (Completed).
    • Open C:\inetpub\wwwroot\<Office 365 Gateway Application Name>\settings.config file.
    • Alter the line to include the target order status:

    • before:

      <add key="ORDER_COMPLETION_STATUSES" value="PC,PT,WZ,WI"/>
    • after:

      <add key="ORDER_COMPLETION_STATUSES" value="PC,PT,WZ,WI,CP"/>
    • Recycle the Office 365 website application pool in IIS.
  2. Limit(s) propagation status:

    • Check proper subscription limits are propagated from BA to OA;
    • Check (if case of Switch Plan Order) that source and target Service Plans are based on different Offer Resource Rates.

Two Office 365 Service Plans, participating in the same upgrade path, must be based on different Offers (represented by Resource Rates), deployment guide describes this case in the Creating 'Office 365' Service Plans article.

Modify upgrade path accordingly in order to fix the case.

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