
Whenever a customer places an order to purchase a Linux Shared Hosting subscription, the following error is thrown:

Service Creation Failed: Parallels Operations Automation error # == Error while calling pem.activateSubscription ==error_code = 0error_message = Virtual host 'www.d1234567-1699.domain.tld' already exist.Subscription #1234567 does not exist..

Investigation of OA main system log shows that there was an attempt to insert record d1234567-1699 twice:

  • First attempt - it was successful:

    Apr 30 15:28:59 poa : DBG [1:60735:b30e0b90:134 1:60735:b07f6b90 Kernel]: STMT [Con: 58549, 0x88a8ad0 txn:73743] ' SELECT 1 AS c  FROM apache_hostlist h  JOIN apache_homedir_entries he  ON (h.homedir_id = he.homedir_id)  WHERE h.service_id =  ? AND LOWER(he.recordname || '.' || he.domain_name)  IN (LOWER( ? ), LOWER( ? ))  OR LOWER(he.domain_name) IN (LOWER( ? ))'($0 = 40, $1 = 'www.d1234567-1699.domain.tld', $2 = 'www.d1234567-1699.domain.tld', $3 = 'www.d1234567-1699.domain.tld')
  • Here is the second attempt - it failed with the following error:

    Apr 30 15:29:04 poa : DBG [1:60735:b30e0b90:134 1:60735:b07f6b90 Kernel]: STMT [Con: 58549, 0x88a8ad0 txn:73743] ' SELECT 1 AS c  FROM apache_hostlist h  JOIN apache_homedir_entries he  ON (h.homedir_id = he.homedir_id)  WHERE h.service_id =  ? AND LOWER(he.recordname || '.' || he.domain_name)  IN (LOWER( ? ), LOWER( ? ))  OR LOWER(he.domain_name) IN (LOWER( ? ))'($0 = 40, $1 = 'www.d1234567-1699.domain.tld', $2 = '', $3 = 'www.d1234567-1699.domain.tld')
    Apr 30 15:29:04 poa : DBG [1:60735:b30e0b90:134 1:60983:b19d2b90 lib]: [txn:73743 apache::Service_impl::createMainDS] {module_id="Apache"; code="600"; old_code="7"} Virtual host 'www.d1234567-1699.domain.tld' already exist.


The reason of this duplicate insertion is a misconfiguration in the Linux Shared Hosting Service Template on the OA side. The Service Template has two Linux Shared Hosting related resources. In the activation parameters of this service template the Web prefix for Provider Domains and the Default Domain's Identifier parameters for both of those resources have the same value.


Remove one of the resources from the Service Template, cancel the current order and place a new order.

Alternatively, you can change either of the Web prefix for Provider Domains or the Default Domain's Identifier parameters in one of the Linux Shared Hosting resources so it does not match the other one, then try placing a new order.

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