
Go to Provider CP > Domains, search for domain <domain.tld>, click on the domain, press Edit, in the Registrar Status drop down box change the registrar status to Ready. This will take several minutes, then produce the following error:

An unforeseen error occurred. Please contact support@provider.tld.


Module: "db_service", code = "1" Message: "DBService invocation error: JBAS014162: Transaction is required for invocation org.jboss.invocation.InterceptorContext@50e361"

The following messages can be found in poa.log:

Aug 26 16:35:06 OSSCORE001 : DBG [UI:ede0ebc8:1707702:1440603006301 RequestProcessor-69560 pau ]: Failure in DBService
Aug 26 16:35:06 OSSCORE001 : DBG [UI:ede0ebc8:1707702:1440603006301 RequestProcessor-69560 pau ]: Rethrowing EJB exception [converted]
Aug 26 16:35:06 OSSCORE001 : DBG [UI:ede0ebc8:1707702:1440603006301 1:15648:3c6c Exchange ]: [ Plesk::Exchange::Utils::RecipientInfoProviderBase::getRecipientInfo] <=== EXIT (by exception) [0.061988]
Aug 26 16:35:06 OSSCORE001 : DBG [UI:ede0ebc8:1707702:1440603006301 1:15128:24d4 MessageLabs ]: [ Plesk::MessageLabs::OrganizationImpl::protectDomainInternal] Mail service getRecipientInfo was failed - remove recipient (recipient id: 3472808, recipient type: dlist)


Domain status was not changed because domain protection was enabled. This issue is reported to the OA maintenance team in POA-96970: "Exchange mail hosting can not be added to the domain" and fixed in scope of 6.0.5 HOTFIX 127196


Please install 6.0.5 HOTFIX 127196 to fix the issue permanently.

To workaround the issue perform the following steps:

  1. Check which of the customer's subscriptions use the Message Labs related resource (you can find it by name, e.g. Messagelabs Email Security Exchange 2013)

  2. Go to the resource Activation Parameters and check if the parameter Auto protect all domains is set to Yes

  3. Temporary set Auto protect all domains to No

  4. Try to change the domain status from Undefined to Ready again.

  5. Once the domain status changes to Ready, revert the Auto protect all domains option back to Yes

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