POA-84790 Session could expire before timeout in case UI is deployed on top of NG web cluster


When a UI node is deployed on NG cluster, OA sessions can be dropped faster than setup in OA (System > Users > Sessions > Session Timeouts).


The NG cluster session timeout is not reflected in the 'persistent' setting of a load balancer.


Manually set the 'persistent' setting on the NG cluster load balancer according to the current OA session timeout.

POA-87811 Logrotate on NG gives segmentation fault


The logrotate crashed on NG webserver with CloudLinux v.5.x nodes with segmentation fault if the configuration file /etc/logrotate.d/pem exceeds 3.1Mb (usually, this file reaches such size when a number of webspaces >=62K).

logrotate -vd /etc/logrotate.d/pem
Segmentation fault


Too old glibc package version is used.


Update the glibc version to the latest one (for CloudLinux 5, the problem is fixed in glibc-2.5-118.el5_10.3 and later) and then reboot the node.

yum update glibc   

POA-104736 After migration of NG Cluster from CL5 to CL6 provisioning task failed with error ''/bin/sh: /etc/webalizer-set-time-zone.sh: No such file or directory"


After switch of NG Webcluster Director from a node with CloudLinux 5 to a new node with CloudLinux 6 during web hosting provisioning with Webalizer, in Task Manager exists the failed task:

Creating virtual host directory structure for domain service ... Failed. Destination host 'ws1-ng2cl6.sh6.qa.sw.ru' (#134), IP '' : Internal error: /bin/sh /bin/sh /etc/webalizer-set-time-zone.sh /var/www/vhosts/10/100291/webspace/conf/webalizer.conf failed with code 127 saying: STDOUT: '' STDERR '/bin/sh: /etc/webalizer-set-time-zone.sh: No such file or directory


For ApacheNG service of NG Cluster the incorrect path is set (from previous versions of the webalizer package) to configuration script of Webalizer (webalizer.set.timezone.sh property) – /etc/webalizer-set-time-zone.sh; the correct value is /usr/local/pem/etc/webalizer/webalizer-set-time-zone.sh.


Update the webalizer.set.timezone.sh property for the ApacheNG package of the NG Cluster:

plesk=> SELECT p.prop_id AS property_id, pv.value_id AS value_id, p.name AS name, pv.value AS value, p.description AS description, p.valtype AS valtype FROM properties p JOIN component_properties cp ON (p.prop_id = cp.prop_id) JOIN property_values pv ON (cp.value_id = pv.value_id)  JOIN services s ON (cp.component_id = s.component_id)  WHERE s.service_id = 202 and p.name = 'webalizer.set.timezone.sh';
 property_id | value_id |           name            |           value                 |                 description                  | valtype 
       64095 |     5629 | webalizer.set.timezone.sh | /etc/webalizer-set-time-zone.sh | path to script that sets webalizer time zone | string
(1 row)

where 202 is ID of the ApacheNG service of the NG Cluster

plesk=> select *
plesk-> from property_values pv
plesk-> where pv.value_id = 5629;
 value_id |              value              | component_id 
     5629 | /etc/webalizer-set-time-zone.sh |          877
(1 row)

Fix the inconsistency with the following command:

update property_values set value = '/usr/local/pem/etc/webalizer/webalizer-set-time-zone.sh' where value_id = 5629;

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